Eagle Ranch Academy Supplies Treatment Adolescent Depression

As a residential treatment center for troubled adolescents, here at Eagle Ranch Academy we see many young people whose lives have been ruined by depression. So many clinical disorders and destructive behaviors, such as drug and alcohol abuse, ADHD, bipolar disorder and anorexia, have depression as a component of the overall problem.

We take the necessary steps to adequately supply treatment to adolescents suffering from depression in our program. First of all, many of them come to us already on various medications that have been prescribed by their primary care physicians and others. Our program is not just a specific drug treatment course, therapy course, or a 12 step program. We include all of these and much more, including emotional growth and life skills training, intensive group and individual therapy, fitness and nutrition services, character building and self discovery, etc. We believe depression is a multi-faceted issue that requires a multi-faceted approach.

Since we are one of the most comprehensive residential treatment centers in the nation, we get many students who reside out of state. Thus, to treat their depression effectively and to make it easy on their parents, we have clinical staff on hand to be able to assess, prescribe and monitor their prescription treatment needs.

Many insurances make it extremely difficult to transfer prescriptions outside of your home state. It can be a nightmare if you know your adolescent needs his or her medication to function, but their primary care doctor’s office (or primary mental health practitioner’s office) is telling you they can’t transfer the meds, and your insurance is telling you that you will have to pick up the cost. In fact, if your child has been on a depression medication for some time and will need it ongoing, they might be required to periodically present in person for reassessments, even to get their refills written.

At Eagle Ranch Academy, we have an open-ended program. This means that your child’s graduation of the program depends on their individual progress—not a predetermined length of time. This is an incentive for troubled teens to really take the different treatment strategies to heart, and to truly make an internal change. Otherwise, we know that they will just “wait out” the program and return to self destructive behaviors when they get home. Our aim is to address their issues (be it depression, addiction, anger, avoidance, eating disorder, etc), and to get them to WANT to change their own behaviors. From our standpoint, this is the only way to achieve long term behavioral change.

As such, your adolescent might be with us for a few months. He or she will need their medications. As they detoxify in our natural environment with exercise and wholesome food, they will probably also need their medications to be adjusted.  That is why we have medical staff on hand in the form of a medical doctor (MD- general practitioner), psychiatrists and psychologists. Our medical doctor is involved in the initial physical evaluation and lab tests that we perform when teens first enter the program. He also makes regular scheduled visits and is on call 24 hours per day. Our Psychiatrists, psychologists and licensed therapists are here at Eagle Ranch Academy full time.

Eagle Ranch Academy helps adolescents suffering from depression not only with medication, but with a range of therapy options, including 1 on 1 talk sessions, group counseling, prescription drug treatment, embedded therapists as instructors, unique workshops, emotional growth seminars, physical fitness, and nutrition.  We have a staff comprised of state-licensed, highly qualified, well experienced experts who are able to supply multi-faceted treatment options to adolescents suffering with depression.

Eagle Ranch Academy Educates Kids in Anger Management Therapy

Kids who act out in response to dealing with traumatic events in their lives can often be difficult to deal with. Parents may feel they cannot reach their child or handle their outbursts when they happen. Common issues that lead to this uncontrollable behavior are fears of being abandoned if there has been a divorce in the family, a sense of injustice in the home at school (such as in response to bullying), bipolar disorder, or the inability to self-reflect.

Eagle Ranch Academy is a residential treatment center for teens 11-17 who have exhausted traditional therapies in learning to deal with their anger. If you have a teen who has become uncontrollable, we have methods designed to help them control their emotions. ERA is a working ranch located in St George, Utah. We have clinical and licensed staff with not only the expertise to help your child, but with the experience and loving care you can trust your child to.

A regular day in the program gives your child reason to pause, think and manage their emotional responses.  The program consists of classes of 12 students who are monitored and instructed by professionals, including an embedded therapist. They will have to set goals, complete chores, complete their studies, and engage in individual and group therapy sessions. They will still be able to carry on with their academic studies in their home state, because we use an accredited academic curriculum. The program also includes individual life skills instruction intended to give your child the tools they will need to continue to manage their lives in a positive way after they leave us.

Our therapists will employ proven clinical methods to help your child not only control their anger, but express their emotions in a more positive way. We combine these with our 8 Core Values of Character, our Life Coaching Skills program, our positive reinforcement Value Based Behavior Modification Program, and Emotional Growth Seminars. Together these strategies show kids that there are healthy, positive ways to express themselves, and encourage introspection and self-evaluation. We also address your child’s underlying issue that is causing them to act out.

Throughout the program, you will be in constant contact with us and your child. At Eagle Ranch Academy, we not only help your child with their anger management issues, we are dedicated to helping you help your child. We even have emotional Growth Seminars that the whole family can attend, so everyone in the home can learn to deal with the complexities of anger management and crisis control.

First, Eagle ranch Academy will evaluate your teen based on past and present behavior, and with psychological and educational testing, if applicable. Then we’ll help you navigate through what can become a tedious process dealing with your health insurance for the coverage of tuition costs. We also have scholarships available.  We’ll always be available to answer any questions you have. If you only want a limited enrollment for your child on a crisis basis, we also have that option available to you. ERA has scholarships available to parents who want to attend any of our seminars and workshops.

If your child is out of control and needs anger management therapy, Eagle Ranch Academy can help.

Eagle Ranch Academy Teaches Motivation with Love versus Fear

Recently, families with teens in crisis looking for help options have been frightened by reports that residential treatment centers are cults that torture children. This type of paranoia campaign belies the fact that residential teen help centers are regulated by their states and are required to have actual medical professionals on staff to design and run the program.

Here at Eagle Ranch Academy, we offer help to teens 11-17 years old who are struggling with a range of issues, from depression, ADD, ADHD, avoidance issues (running away), drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders to negative emotional responses (anger, withdrawal). We help them to heal in a loving environment.

Our program is run according to Utah state guidelines:

  • We are licensed by the state as a Residential Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center
  • We have a clinical coordinator overseeing all medical personnel
  • Our staff is full of medical professionals, such as: behavioral psychologists, clinical psychologists, medical doctors (MD), nurses, educational psychologists, and psychiatrists.
  • Our staff also has certified professionals who take care of non-medical services related to care, such as: licensed case workers, licensed case managers, licensed fitness instructors, licensed academic instructors.
  • We provide an accredited academic curriculum.
  • Our staff has over 100 years of combined experience.
  • We do not punish our students through any physical means; in fact, we provide everything your child will need while in the program: clothes, school supplies, food, equipment, transportation, etc. Our reward based program does not withhold any necessities, rather, it grants desires based on hard work.
  • Parents are fully incorporated into the program; they will not be prohibited from communicating with their child whenever they want, or from getting any information about their child. In fact, we have Emotional Growth Seminars for everyone in the family to attend.
  • We are upfront about the costs of the program, and will help you to navigate the different options available to you to make it possible, including scholarships (some even for parents), and coverage through your health insurance.
  • Your teen will be in a tolerant atmosphere—he or she can practice whatever religion they freely adhere to.
  • Most of all, our approach combines the best of solid clinical care with self discovery techniques, implemented through our Emotional Growth Seminars, Value Based Behavior Modification program, and Life Coaching Skills program.

At Eagle Ranch Academy, we do not involve fear in any of our therapy techniques. We want troubled, struggling teens to feel safe and to be able to express how they feel about themselves and their lives. We have open ended completion dates because when a student graduates depends on when they are ready to look at themselves honestly and choose to turn their life around.

To promote this, our program promotes self-introspection in various ways, not coercion. We want our teens to recover their sense of self, because only then can they effect long-lasting change in their lives. That is the complete opposite of motivation through the use of fear—which only breaks down a teen’s sense of self.

Here at Eagle Ranch Academy residential treatment center, we use love to heal and motivate troubled teens, not fear.

Eagle Ranch Academy is a Successful Youth Residential Treatment Center

According to:

  • Dr Phil, (TV personality)
  • Caring4Youth.org,
  • CollegeBound.net,
  • Dr Maryann Rosenthal,
  • The Montel Williams Show,
  • TopBoarding Schools.com
  • Jaime Martin, Top NFL quarterback
  • And many others

Eagle Ranch Academy is a highly focused and successful youth residential treatment center that focuses on helping troubled teens between ages 12-17, to learn how to get their lives back on track and lead a more successful, healthier one.

Our founders Dave and Paul Arslanian, who had both been football coaches in their early careers, noticed that positive character development was integral to success in football. They soon turned to promoting those same principles to help troubled teens.

Many troubled teens facing serious problems, such as drug and alcohol addiction, negative peer pressure, eating disorders, clinical depression, ADHD and ADD, also suffer from low self esteem.  They typically have many talents, but are underperforming academically. The Arslanian brothers have taken a distinctly different approach to helping them overcome their issues. Although Eagle Ranch Academy includes clinical approaches and employs licensed professionals on our caring staff,( such as psychiatrists, behavioral psychologists, educational psychologists, medical doctors, therapists, nurses, and others), we believe that troubled teens need help with positive, non clinical, personal development as well.

This has meant that youths in our residential treatment program also undergo activities that promote introspection and self reflection. These are encouraged in all activities at Eagle Ranch Academy, whether the youth is participating in a group counseling session, individual therapy session, group activity (such as chores), or while getting their daily workout. Though the implementation of ERA’s Value Based Behavior Modification program, our Life Coaching Skills program, and our Emotional Growth Seminars, students will feel above all, nurtured by the people and environment at here at ERA.

We also teach our students from day one about our 8 Core Values of Character. We know that kids who have gone off track but are otherwise academically, athletically or artistically talented, just need the proper, multi-faceted, focused help so that they can discover their own strengths. They need to begin to see their own goodness, to take responsibility for the direction their lives have turned, to be able to forgive the people in their lives associated with the root causes of their problems, and to work on accepting themselves—all of themselves—without looking to others for validation.

The secret to our incredible success at effecting long term change in troubled youth behavior, is that we don’t see them as ‘inmates’ and we don’t give up on them. We believe that any troubled teen can turn their life around and make a fresh, healthy start for themselves. We don’t just put them on medications and wait till they ‘run through’ the program.

In fact, Eagle Ranch Academy only has an open-ended program. Teens complete it when they make breakthroughs and actually internally change their thinking about their lives. Many other programs feel that if youths act well in the program, they will be good when they go home. This isn’t true, and it doesn’t provide an incentive for teens to really look at themselves—much less in a positive  light—as they complete other programs with predetermined end dates.

We don’t work that way here at Eagle Ranch Academy. We have been successful to the point where we have received notice from high profile places because we heal with love, with positivity, with encouragement, and because we teach youth the real life skills and character traits they need to stay on track after they leave us.

Eagle Ranch Academy Concentrates on the 8 Core Values of Character

Here at Eagle Ranch Academy, we believe that any troubled teen can turn around and have a successful, productive life; as long as they take to heart the lessons they will learn in our program. We teach them what we consider to be the 8 Core Values of Character, to help them face the challenges of the real world, and help them to hold steadfast against the temptations and bad choices that led them to us in the first place.

These are:

  1. Accountability – “I will be Accountable for the things that happen in my life.”
  2. Honesty – “I will be Honest with all of my relationships.”
  3. Forgiveness – “I will Forgive everyone, including those who have hurt me.”
  4. Acceptance – “I will Accept who I am and not seek the acceptance of others.”
  5. Integrity – “I will be the same person always in front of people, as I am behind them.”
  6. Respect – “I will Respect others and myself.”
  7. Trust – “I will earn the Trust that I have lost and take the risk of Trusting others.”
  8. Service – “I will give back to others because I have been given much.”

Many of the kids we see are good kids who have simply made bad choices; that is why we don’t give up on them. In addition, since we provide treatment for gifted troubled teens, we help them to recognize and build on their strengths, so that they will stop performing beneath their abilities.

Our focused program is based on positive behavior modification techniques, which in turn, are based on sound clinical psychology principles and years of experience in helping struggling teens. Along with therapy, hard work, and other seminars and workshops, such as our trademarked Life Coaching Skills TM, our aim is to allow students to come to their own understanding of the importance of these core values in making a real change in their lives.

The minute they walk through the door at Eagle Ranch Academy, they begin work on the first core value: taking full responsibility for the actions that lead to an addiction or other problem. A lot of the activities we give them to do in their 12 member groups are meant to encourage introspection and reflection, so they can get to core value #2: honesty. Many troubled teens have internal defense mechanisms that help them to lie to themselves about the nature of their actions and its consequences on their own lives and the lives of the people closest to them. This is the part of the program that is the most difficult: coming to a full, honest realization of the state of their lives. After they reach this breakthrough, then comes two other very difficult things to learn: forgiveness, (of themselves and of the people they believe were at fault), and acceptance of themselves, (without letting their sense of self worth be dependent on others).

The last four core values, from Integrity to Service, are really mental and emotional tools teens need to cultivate and use as guides to navigate their way successfully through the rest of their lives. These also keep them on the path of maintaining the first four core values, (accountability, honesty, forgiveness and acceptance).

At Eagle Ranch Academy, we know what the core values of society’s brightest, most successful adults are, and that’s why we teach our teens the 8 Core Values of Character.

Categories: Troubled Teens Tags:

Eagle Ranch Academy Provides Fitness and Nutrition Support for Teens Struggling With Obesity and Eating Disorders

Many teens struggle with obesity and eating disorders such as bulimia, anorexia and binge eating. It is often a double edged sword because of the depression they must also face along with it. With unrealistic images of beauty rampant in popular culture, teens, especially (but not exclusively) girls, are subject to low self esteem, to having negative body images and to having a feeling of inferiority among their peers.

The flipside of this ugly trend is the obesity epidemic that is sweeping the nation. The lack of nutritional options available to teens in the normal course of daily lives (at school, on the road or in the home), the prohibitively higher cost of quality food at supermarkets, and parenting methods that include over gratification, have all helped to fuel this epidemic. What’s more, many kids in troubled homes have grown up looking to food for comfort, which leads to binge eating, a habit that is extremely difficult to break even in adulthood.

These disorders are incredibly damaging to the health of teens. Organs such as the stomach lining and esophagus can become ulcerated by repeated, forced vomiting. Teens who suffer from obesity have their life expectancy lowered and are subject to a host of diseases we previously saw only in adulthood, such as diabetes, hypertension and high blood pressure. Obesity and very low body weight are particularly hard on reproductive systems and the organs that regulate hormones, such as the pancreas and the thyroid. This can lead to eventual infertility and other related problems, such as goiter.

Here at Eagle Ranch Academy, we offer a controlled, caring environment that will nurse your teen struggling with either obesity or an eating disorder back to health. Our intake process includes a thorough medical evaluation, including a physical exam, a psychological exam, a dental exam and slew of appropriate lab work. These different evaluations will give us the tools we need to create an individual approach to caring for your child. We’ll know exactly what state of health they are in, and thanks to the labs, what they are at risk for. Labs can show us if your child’s hormones are balanced, giving us a snapshot of pancreatic, thyroid and reproductive health, what stage of malnutrition they are facing, so we can adjust our menu accordingly, if they are approaching dangerous levels of toxicity, such as high bad cholesterol or high blood sugar, and much more.

Our food is prepared fresh daily based on a menu developed by a certified nutritionist. Eagle Ranch Academy is also an actual ranch; so much of your child’s day will involve doing physical chores on the ranch and in the community. We have a state of the art fitness center where classes are run by a licensed fitness trainer.

However, we also go farther by not only bringing your child back to a state of physical health, but by getting them to a healthy mental, psychological and emotional state, so that they will have continued success after they graduate from ERA. This includes regular sessions of individual and group therapy, going through our Emotional Growth Seminars and our Life Coaching Skills program. We want teens struggling with obesity and eating disorders to address the root causes of their disorder, and become reeducated about what a healthy body is, and the proper place of food in their lives. We want them to know how to deal with their emotional issues without relating it to food.

Eagle Ranch Academy provides not only fitness and nutrition support for teens struggling with obesity and eating disorders; we also provide mental and emotional support.

Eagle Ranch Academy Offers Life Skills and Coaching for Troubled Teens

Eagle Ranch Academy’s success with helping troubled teens to both overcome their obstacles and stay on the right path after they have left the program, has a lot to do with their trademarked Life Skills Coaching Program, (found only at ERA).

Believe it or not, the staff at Eagle Ranch has the combined experience of over 100 years. This includes mental health professionals such as clinical psychologists, behavioral psychologists, psychiatrists, and educational psychologists, medical professionals such as general practice doctors and nurses, as well as professionals who deal intimately with the social aspects that govern the lives of troubled teens, such as case managers and case workers. What this means is that when our combined knowledge is applied in a controlled setting such as a residential treatment center over a long period of time, we get to see what strategies actually get through to teens and which ones don’t. Over the years we have refined and enhanced Eagle Ranch Academy’s program with seminars and workshops that address gaps in traditional residential help center care.

Many other centers think that if a child’s behavior improves while they are in the program, it will stay improved once they complete it. This isn’t true in reality, and many troubled teens relapse to their addictions and disorders. The problem is that teens who end up in residential programs face hard core problems that will still exist in their home life or social peer group once they get out. In fact, it will probably be a temptation for the rest of their lives. Here at Eagle ranch Academy, we understand that troubled teens don’t need to just “get fixed” but they need to learn how to cope with the circumstances that brought them to a maladaptive behavior in the first place. Alcohol will be available in their environment, so will drugs and food. Unrealistic body stereotypes of beauty will still exist out there in the real world, and their parents will still be divorced when they get home.

Our Life Coaching Skills Program TM takes the rehabilitation program a step farther by teaching troubled teens how to think about their choices. The environment at Eagle Ranch Academy is void of the distractions of their normal life, thus it is the perfect setting to teach troubled teens how to strip away and dig beneath their issues so that they can be honest with themselves about themselves and what path they want to be on. By encouraging self discovery, we give teens the tools they need to continue to make the right decisions long after they graduate our program. They will know who they are, what they want and have the confidence to face the challenges that lie ahead. It makes them feel prepared and in control of their lives—something that they lose when their lives spiraled downward.

That is what sets Eagle Ranch Academy apart from other residential teen help program. We care about our troubled teens and we want them to have long lasting, internal change, as well as the real life skills required to face the challenges of adulthood. Our program and our professionals make this their utmost goal for every troubled teen who is enrolled with us.

Eagle Ranch Academy Has Exemplary Residential Programs for Youth

Eagle Ranch Academy’s is a residential treatment program for troubled youth, whose overwhelmingly comprehensive approach to care has been noted by organizations like Answers for Parents and StrugglingTeen.net.

They are based in St. George, Utah and consist of a series of complementary programs designed to help youths who are talented academically, athletically or artistically, but are struggling with alcohol abuse, substance abuse, ADHD, ADD, clinical depression, eating disorders, avoidance responses (running away), and out of control behavior, such as anger or some other maladaptive emotional response to a difficult family situation (like divorce).

Eagle Ranch Academy is very selective and highly focused. They have only 48 seats total available, and they are specifically interested in helping gifted troubled teens. Occasionally, a kid may come to them thorough the Utah court system, but that is only after he or she has been asses by their admission department to see if they meet the profile of their students.

If there is a seat available, Eagle Ranch Academy’s approach is to first do a complete evaluation of the child to assess their individual needs. This includes a psychological and emotional evaluation by a competent clinical psychologist, behavioral psychologist, and psychiatrist; a complete physical exam by our dedicated medical doctor (who makes regular scheduled visits and is on call 24 hours a day once your child is in the program), as well as a dental exam. This evaluation also includes any relevant lab work, especially important if your child has a substance or alcohol abuse problem or an eating disorder. This initial evaluation gives us all the tools we need to place your child in the right program within Eagle Ranch Academy.

Once here, our staff also has nurses, professionals who are on site every day, a certified fitness instructor (supervising our fitness classes) and a cook who freshly prepares a menu that has been designed for us by a certified nutritionist. In addition to these services, we implement some of our own unique programs only available here at Eagle ranch Academy, such as our Life Coaching Skills program (to teach youth self-sufficiency strategies they’ll need long after they have left us), our Value Based program (to teach kids that rewards are earned and that their actions have consequences on their lives), and our work program to teach kids how to be responsible.

We have classes Emotional Growth Seminars that both students and families can participate in, teaching parents how to cope with their gifted but troubled teen, and an After Care program. This last program provides a resource for our graduates and their families to turn to after they’ve left us, so they never have to feel alone or leave behind the bonds of friendship they created while staying in the program.

Categories: Residential Treatment

Eagle Ranch Academy Works With Different Kinds of Troubled Teens

Eagle Ranch Academy is the most comprehensive youth residential program available to troubled teens in Utah. We help teens who are struggling with substance and alcohol abuse, medical diagnoses such as ADHD, weight related disorders or clinical depression, kids who have emotional issues related to coping with divorce or avoidance issues (running away).

We are actually a working ranch, and use work around the ranch as well as work in the community a part of the program. Physical labor gives teens a sense of purpose and satisfaction when they are completed. They are an important part of the regimen of therapy, nutritional and medical care we provide. Although residential programs are often considered harsh places for teens in popular culture, the reality is that they are licensed centers where a troubled teen can get access to a whole host of specialists under one umbrella, while learning about themselves and building bonds with each other.

At Eagle Ranch Academy, we have all licensed professionals available on hand to help teens troubled by many different types of problems, such as clinical psychologists, behavioral psychologists, medical doctors, psychiatrists, nurses and even therapists who are ‘embedded’ in the small 12 person classes students are grouped in. Our menu is developed by a certified nutritionist and is cooked daily in compliance with the food and nutrition guidelines of the state of Utah. Our work and fitness programs are run by a fitness trainer, and diet and/or weight control programs are individually tailored to your child’s needs.

In addition to hard work and the expert care of medical professionals, we employ a range of programs unique to Eagle Ranch Academy so that we can reach different kinds of troubled teens. These include our Value Based Program, Emotional Growth Seminars, Life Coaching Skills Program, Graduation Workshops, and After Care Program. Our residential program has been thoroughly researched and backed by groups like Answers for Parents (AFP).

  • Our Value based program teaches teens that rewards are earned, helping them with their follow through, their anger responses, and to cultivate positive ways of attaining what they want.
  • Our Emotional Growth Seminars are intended to provide help to students and parents, so they can learn about how to deal with the root situation that is making the teen act out and how to cope emotionally with each other during conflicts. It also promotes self-introspection in the teen.
  • Our Graduation Workshops provide a goal for teens to work towards, as well as milestones to help guide them throughout the process, as well as sense of accomplishment.
  • Our Life Coaching Skills Program teaches teens real life skills to help them cope with the challenges they will face as adults, and helps them to feel secure about their abilities to overcome them later on.
  • Our After Care Program is a long term support resource where students (and parents) who have graduated can come for continued help. Alumni also have the option of serving in this program, so they never have to lose the bonds they created at Eagle ranch Academy.

Lastly, remember that we help gifted troubled teens who are performing beneath their abilities; so that means our academic program is of the highest quality. It is enhanced not only with qualified instructors, but with the expertise of educational psychologists.

Speak to one of our admission counselors to find the right program within Eagle Ranch Academy and see if we have one of our limited 48 spaces available.  We will provide you with help in terms of tuition and in dealing with your medical insurance company. After this, our medical staff will begin with a comprehensive evaluation of your child’s needs to design an individual approach for them, because here at Eagle Ranch Academy, we work with all different kinds of troubled teens.

Eagle Ranch Academy Provides Drug Addiction Treatment

Eagle Ranch Academy is a huge campus that was built-to-order by one of the largest corporations in Utah, the Woodbury Corporation. It was specifically built to be a Residential Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center for the State of Utah. As such, we have classes designed for 11-17 year olds who are gifted, but may be experiencing personal addictions problems related to drugs and alcohol.

Each class has 12 to 16 students in it, as well as an ‘embedded’ therapist and a professional instructor. In addition, we have 3 to 4 professional staff providing constant supervision. Our therapists are in the class 40 hours per week. They provide individual, group and student/parent family therapy. The embedded therapists also provide the teens with counseling at crucial moments throughout the day, along with regular 1 hour sessions per week. The benefit of an embedded therapist is that in a moment of crisis, a student can have a 1 on 1 counseling session without even knowing that they are being helped by a professional. There is no pre-conception clouding how the teen reacts to this “help session”, so there is more opportunity to actually reach the child.

At Eagle Ranch Academy, we go even further to help teens with drug addictions by enhancing our staff with a psychiatrist, a medical doctor, a behavioral psychologist, clinical psychologist, nurses, and a separate weekend therapist, all under the expert guidance of our clinical director. In other words, we have a serious drug addiction treatment program with the right staff to implement the latest medical treatments with regard to addiction therapies.

There are many other professionals for the related parts of the residential program as well, such as case managers/ after care specialists, case workers, educational psychologists, family relations directors (who manage seminars for parents/ families to attend to help them cope), a cook, and 10-12 professional staff on site at all times. All our academic programs are individualized so that they can have the most impact on your teen’s life, and are augmented by Online 3D Learn staff members.

In other words, Eagle Ranch Academy is a state of the art facility, with an abundantly and professionally staffed program to provide meaningful Drug Addiction treatment to any teen lost to addiction. We are not a boarding school, and we do have a focus on the kinds of teens who enter our program. Basically we want to reach a teen who is gifted academically, athletically or in the performing arts, but is who is performing below their potential due to emotional, psychological or social reasons. This includes drug addiction, which is particularly devastating on a teen’s life and their future.

Unlike a boarding school, a residential program such as ours can provide much more focused treatment, including psychological and medical treatment, not just broad academic services. Thus Eagle Ranch Academy provides drug addiction treatment and helps students to maximize their natural abilities, so they can get their lives back on track. We also provide seminars and workshops for parents who have entrusted us with their children by enrolling them in the program. These can be a tool to help you cope and give you strategies for helping your teen and your family heal.

At Eagle Ranch Academy, our intensive drug addiction treatment program is based on behavior modification techniques employed by clinical professionals. We provide after care programs for long term support once your teen has graduated from us, giving them a trusted place to come back to for support as they face the challenges ahead. Visit us today if you or your teen needs help.